د فريد عبد الهادي
د فريد عبد الهادي استشاري أمراض النساء ، وقد تخرج من طب القصر العيني وحصل على الماجستير والدكتوراة
وعمل كأستاذ م بالقصر العيني. ثم سافر الي كندا وحصل على البورد الكندي وماجستير العلوم الطبية
د فريد عبد الهادي أستاذ م بجامعة كوينز باونتاريو، في قسمي أمراض النساء والتوليد وطب الاسرة
يقوم د عبد الهادي بمناظرة الحالات وإجراء الجراحات ودورات التدريب الطبي في كندا والشرق الأوسط وجمهورية الصين الشعبية
Dr Abdel Had is a Gynecologist working in Lakeridgehealth Oshawa. He has specialized in Obs & Gynein 1993 and has been practicing since then between Canada and Egypt. He is currently an assistant Professor of Obs & Gyne in Queen's University in Ontario, in both the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as the department of Family Medicine.
While currently most of what Dr Abdel Hadi does is fertility treatment, Dr Abdel Hadi has taken on himself to promote laparoscopic hysterectomy. He thinks it should be offered to as many women as possible.
Dr Abdel Hadi is currently more involved in training and assisting other physician to perform LAVH than performing the procedure himself.
If you need a medical intervention, talk to your doctor
Please talk to your doctor for specific information pertaining to your specific condition and the adequacy of this procedure for you.